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Major Challenges

As an instance-level recognition problem, person ReID faces two major challenges as illustrated in Figure 1 :

  1. The intra-class (instance/identity) variations are typically big due to the changes of camera viewing conditions. - hard positives

  2. Small inter-class variations - people in public space often wear similar clothes; from a distance as typically in surveillance videos, they can look incredibly similar. - hard negatives

Omni-Scale Featrue

To match people and distinguish them from impostors, features corresponding both small local regions and global whole body regions are important.

  1. Looking at the global-scale features would narrow down the search to the true match (middle) and an impostor (right).

  2. The local-scale features gives away the fact that the person on the right is an impostor. (For more challenging cases, more complicated and richer features that span multiple scales are required.)

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